A review by tyheronthorn
Three Sides of a Heart: Stories about Love Triangles by Natalie C. Parker


Okay, I enjoyed a couple of stories in this - namely "Riddles in Mathematics" by Katie Cotugno, "Dread South" by Justina Ireland, and "Lessons for Beginners" by Julie Murphy. Of these, "Dread South" was definitely my favourite - zombie apocalypse AND historical fiction? Um, sign me up? (Can you guess what these three share in common lmao.) I wasn't really jazzed on most of the rest. I guess I came in with some expectations that these would radically subvert love triangles, and for the most part, I, ah, did not feel like that was the case.

Of course there were some really interesting concepts. I liked "Cass, An, and Dra" by Natalie Parker which was cool as it integrated a psychic paranormal narrative into the love triangle story. I'm not usually a fan of love triangles or psychics but it was interesting how that played out. And I found "Unus, Duo, Tres" cool as well with its depiction of vampires. I really appreciate how diverse the characters and stories were, in both marginalized people as well as genre and writing.