A review by luellen1990
Witness by Cath Staincliffe


Witness by Cath Staincliffe

Title - Witness
Author - Cath Staincliffe
Published - July '1
Publisher - Robinson
Genre - #Crime #Thriller
Pages - 272
Price on Amazon - Paperback - £7.99 Kindle - £4.99
ISBN - 1849013446

When a terrible shooting of a teenage boy takes place, there are four witnesses, four people in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fiona is a midwife who is suffering from panic attacks. Mike is a delivery driver and family man who is forced to choose between his family or the court case. Cheryl is a young single mum who wants a better life for her child. Finally Zac a homeless man who says he will speak in exchange for witness protection.

This was the first book by Staincliffe that I didn't enjoy as much as the rest of her books. I found this book to be a bit slow and I was finding myself getting bored, to be honest. I found I couldn't engage with the characters the same way I had with previous books. I found I wasn't enjoying the plot and it was a bit slow and wasn't grabbing my attention.

Rating - Three out of Five Stars
Would I Read Again? - No
Would I Recommend? -No
Would I read other books by the same author? - Yes

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