A review by tessa_talks_books
Sync by Ellen Hopkins


 One-word review:  Emotive
Emojis: 🥹😢😭
Rating:  5🌟s

Favorite Quote: "All those things / are so simple, yet perfect, / and in those moments / happiness shivers."

My Top-Five-style Review:

5. I marveled at Hopkins’ use of dual POVs (twin siblings) in a story told through poems.  This technique is new to me, and I would never have guessed how effective it could be.

4. Several trigger warnings are understandable, considering the dark scope of the story, so potential readers should be sure to check them. StoryGraph is a great place to easily find them.

3. The book skillfully weaves in more hopeful themes of friendship, love, and resilience,  providing a stark contrast to the darker, heart-wrenching moments. This emotional rollercoaster, with its highs and lows, had me bawling as my heart ached for these very realistic characters.

2.The palpable authenticity of this story is a testament to the author's courage.  The author fearlessly delves into the harsh realities of the twins’ lives, a rare but much-needed experience for teenagers and society at large. Their courage is something to be respected and admired, fostering empathy in all who read.

1. The raw, relatable, and emotive nature of this story, told through poems, is truly transformative.  Each poem had the power to reach in and grab my heart, leaving me inspired and deeply moved.