A review by itcamefromthepage
Cold Front by Barry Hammond


So finally decided to restart my Goodreads account. I have by far read over a hundred books this year and barely logged any.

To get to the point of this review Cold Front was a book I had to special order from a library all the way across the country as it is exceedingly rare. I only knew this existed from a random Youtube video I stumbled upon.

Was it worth all of the effort to track down?

Yes, yes I think it was.

To be completely upfront this was written in 1982 and the main characters are a truly despicable lot. As such you'll find language here that was definitely not acceptable in any era but especially stands out in today's time. Still, it felt natural for these characters to be saying them as they are especially loathsome.

If you are one of those people who need to find characters likeable to enjoy a book, this is the last book you should ever read.

The descriptions laid out by Barry Hammond paint a truly gross picture of the world we inhabit. The description of the cabin itself is sickening, painted with a level of detail rarely seen.

The horror is similarly disgusting but in the way you expect.

This will be a book that will sit with you long after you read it.