A review by doyoudogear
The Evolution of Jeremy Warsh by Jess Moore


DNF after a few chapters

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

I tried starting The Evolution of Jeremy Warsh a few times, but it never worked for me. I didn't care about the characters, and their conversations frequently felt forced and unnatural. They've been friends for years, but their interactions lacked the familiarity of a long friendship. Jeremy often tells us details about his friends and their lives, but we don't really see it in action. I also found it a tad unbelievable that Stuart only recently stumbled across his grandfather's drawings.

I kept trying to find the flow of the book, but my attention was easily diverted. Occasionally, an outside factor was to blame, but more often than not, it was something the characters did or said that caused me to lose interest in the story. I really liked the concept for this one, so I'm super bummed it didn't work out.

This review can also be found at Do You Dog-ear? on April 30, 2019.