A review by jen_baroness_mom
Fiery Nights Tempted by Sarah Westill


Fiery Nights Tempted by Sarah Westill is fantastic, magnificent, and has the perfect amount of passion and mystery that I could not put it down. 

Will Bella and Markus find the arsonist before the next fire is set? 

Markus and Bella are hired to find who sets the fires at the curtain shows and the hotels next to them. They have a limited amount of time to do this for two reasons: first, the arsonist seems to be setting a fire every two weeks, and Markus must go back to his home country to work through the summer as his agreement to marry Bella. The two are bonded now, and I don't know how they will handle being apart. Even Lunah the wolf isn't looking forward to leaving Bella behind.
The mystery is wonderfully written, with clues sussed out by our investigators. The underbelly of Haven City is fascinating, but the virus is still a threat. We are introduced to a few new characters; of them, Willow is the most memorable. I like that she has a plan and sticks to it no matter what happens. 

Bella and Markus 
Their bond is strong but works differently than two full-blood Ruthenians would. Although, for Bella, since she doesn't know, it is easier to handle. But is it? She still gets the feelings and has to figure out how to proceed. I think that the way that Markus tries to protect Bella is adorable, yet I don't believe I would find it that all the time. Sort of the way that Bella gets tired of him always putting her first when she wants to put his feelings first at least once in a while. 

I love how Markus, Bella, Madeleine, and Lunah have become a family. They have respect for each other and cohabitate well together. 

Five Stars
Ms. Westill has created the most amazing world. She has thought out all the bad and good a city can offer. She makes it all so real that I can ultimately see it in my mind while reading her books. I love the characters as they are all perfectly flawed and yet totally believable. Another thing I love about her books is Ms. Westill combines romance with intrigue and a well-plotted mystery to perfection. 

My rating for Fiery Nights Tempted by Sarah Westill is five stars. I highly recommend this book and all the books in this series or The Guardians of Sziveria series. 

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. 

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Fiery Nights Tempted by Sarah Westill. 

Until the next time, 

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