A review by michelle_pink_polka_dot
Rosebush by Michele Jaffe


Jane and her 2 best friends are the most popular girls at their school. So why would someone run Jane over and leave her for dead in a giant rosebush? She's still trying to figure that out.
She wakes up in the ICU with no memory of the past day and no movement in her body. As the feeling slowly starts coming back (temporary paralysis or something?), so do bits and pieces of her memories. Now only if she could figure out what parts of her memories and reality are real and what part of them her mind is creating because according to her mother and doctors, she's cray cray. She's getting weird phone calls (maybe), creepy secret admirer gifts (everyone thinks they're nice!?!), and her boyfriend/guy friend/orderly boy-she-just-met-but-likes are all acting weird. She's got a long way to go to decipher this mess.

I liked this book a lot!! Asides from the whole someone tried to kill me, but I have amnesia thing, which is a little played out, I thought it was a really good book. Jane was such a likable, cute character. I could see everyone wanting to be friends with her. Some parts were a little unbelievable. Getting hit by a car and only having temporary paralysis and a concussion.... I think if she lived she would've been in a body cast with steel rods in her bones or something. And for high school, there was quite the number of romantic relationships/love interests!! Also I could've lived without Scott, his thing seemed a little pointless, but I guess you gotta have more than 1 suspect.
Overall I would recommend it. It has cute outfits, cute boys, and a mystery that keeps you guessing!
~I think I'm going to read more from this author... her writing style is awesome!

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