A review by chicklitbookclubpodcast
Love You Wild by Becka Mack


Will I ever look at strawberries again and not blush? Maybe, but that’s besides the point.
I have been set ablaze, metaphorically, by the sexy Love You Wild by Becka Mack and I find I must cool myself down in order to speak coherently. Witty, romantic, and undeniably sexy, this book is a top drawer selection if you are looking for something that will warm your heart cockles and possibly your nether regions.

For funzies, it introduced me to my new favorite phrase ‘oopsie-babies’. Also, Becka, you get bonus points for the usage of ‘Googs’ which we use profusely on the podcast. Kudos.

Let me tell you a little about the plot:
Claire is a beautiful red-headed (hence the strawberry references) 26 year old brewery manager, who when we meet her, is in the process of cutting ties with her cheating boyfriend. On her first night of singledom, she meets Avery, and cue: instant chemistry. Unfortunately, Avery is a bit of playboy and not looking for Serious (with a capital S); however, one glance at Claire forces him to realize that she might be different from his usual one night stand. Could she be Miss Right and not just Miss Right Now? If so, how can he convince her he’s changed?

Begin the beguine.

The Top Bun (Pro)
Claire & Avery
There’s a lot to compliment in this book. Firstly, I’m going to commend Mack on her hero and heroine in addition to their relationship. It feels both true to life while at the same time making you ostensibly aware that this is an extraordinary occurrence. For example, for every Avery that finds their Claire are 100 Wyatts (Avery’s Playboy Business Partner and Best Friend) determined to lead their own Pussy Posse (Trademark Leonardo DiCaprio) in the real world. We may all know an Avery, but we know a lot more Wyatt’s.

To say that Claire is gun shy when it comes to philandering partners is an understatement. The majority of the book details her struggles to not only let someone love her again but to actually love herself. With his cheating, Claire’s ex Aaron has destroyed any semblance of self esteem that she once held.

“I don’t care that he’s gone, Charlee, I really don’t. I care that he made me feel like gum on the bottom of his shoe. That he made me question everything about myself, including the things I used to love.”
How can I even begin to attempt to let someone else love me when I’m not even sure I love myself?”

To be able to verbalize this fear to Avery is the penultimate feat for Claire. By owning up to these imperfections, she feels as though she’s relinquishing a bit of her strength. After a particularly huge argument, Charlee (Claire’s BFF) advises her, “Let Avery show you that those things you used to love about yourself are still perfect and worthy of so, so much love. Not just his, or another guy’s, but your own.”

For all her bluster and bold personality, Claire has issues professing her feelings; often Avery will prompt her to “use your words, Claire”. At many times, both confess that their developing relationship scares them. Avery has never found love with a partner before and Claire obviously has trust issues.

Supporting and caring for a partner is a new experience for Avery; however, one he slides into exceptionally well and surprisingly easily. As a reader, this conversion feels natural and easily acceptable; Avery is written to be a pleasant person, in general, who just happens to like getting it wet on the reg. No judgement. This doesn’t make him a bad person, but we need to see the player side of him before we can process what an impact Claire has made on his psyche. Honestly, it’s not hard to believe that he’s knocked on his ass (metaphorically) by Claire, Mack’s writing had me half in love with her myself.

The Meat (Con) - Honestly, there’s not much here to complain about.
Although I’ve just professed my love for her - Claire, give the boy a chance, will ya?! I know this back and forth is the deus ex drama, but come on, lady! Avery’s doing his best. Cut the player some slack. I was rooting so hard for Avery that I just started getting impatient with Claire after a while. Still violently in love with her though.

The Bottom Bun (Pro)
The Cavalcade of Characters (i.e. Vivi)
All of the tertiary characters introduced are fabulous. Even himbo Wyatt is engaging. (Note to those gen-z’ers reading: a himbo is a 90’s term for male bimbo - I know, I’m old). In particular, I want to highlight Claire’s 3 year old niece, Vivi. Okay, normally, kids in books go two ways for me - either they’re annoying as hell and I quickly skip over every reference to them, or they’re cute but not cloying so - proving to be quite innocuous. Let me introduce you to my favorite new kid character in a romance novel, the adorable Miss Vivi. Mack has drawn this character so well, that I was looking forward to any interaction with her. From the impromptu dance recitals, Frozen sing alongs, to the mispronunciation of names.. I loved this damn kid.

“One…two…free!” She grins up at me. “Dere’s free stars, A’wy [Avery]!”
Chuckling, I hug her against my chest. I’ll never get tired of the way she speaks. “Three times a million, baby.”
“What’s dat mean?”
I shake my head softly, kissing her nose. “Nothing. Good counting. You’re such a smarty.”
“I like Smarties. Sometimes Daddy lets me hab ’em for bweakfast.”

How could you not love this freaking child? How she interacts with Avery is fantastic and their interludes are so heartbreakingly adorable.

Another bonus pro!

This book is hot!
Girls and boys, the sex scenes are muy caliente. We have so much buildup prior to the ole ‘in/out in/out’ that by the time it arrives you just spent a good portion of the book in an edgefest of sexual tension. Not to say the foreplay isn’t blisteringly hot itself:

He punctuates his sentence with a ferocious pump of his fingers and sucking kiss straight to my clit. How the hell can he talk so calmly at a time like this? I’m squirming, writhing, my eyes rolling up, and when the static finally disappears and Avery pulls his fingers from me, he catches me as I collapse on top of him.
He presses a kiss to my sweaty temple, holding me in his arms. “Delicious,” he purrs in my ear.”

Avery, of course, continues to make her come so hard, she experiences ‘Noodle Legs’. This occurs a number of times in the book:

“Can you move?” he asks quietly, smoothing his palm over my hair. I make a noise. I hope he gets it.
He chuckles. “Is that a no?”
“Noodles,” I wheeze.
“Noodles? Tell me you’re thinking about spaghetti right now.”
I burst with laughter, shaking against him. “My legs are noodles,”

Guess who else’s legs are noodles? The readers. We all have noodle hands, eyes, and brains. Whew!

I don’t want to give too much away, so I’m going to wrap this up. I want to congratulate Becka Mack for creating an entertaining familial fictional community in which she can build upon. The relationships she's introduced are strong, loving, and comical; so much so that I’ll be easily awaiting return visits. I look forward to future trips to Toronto via the written word and discovering which couple will be finding their HEA next.

Also, this book got me hungry for Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supremes and strawberry beer - so we know what’s on the menu tonight!

To read more reviews or learn about the podcast visit: Chick Lit Book Club Podcast