A review by icallaci
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President by Bandy X. Lee


Hmmm...how to review this? A (very) few of the pieces gave me some insight about how mental illness might affect a person's behavior, especially one who is in a position of power, but most of the articles were so biased that even I (who am not DT's biggest fan) couldn't ignore it. Taking every statement literally (as in, "I would kill for a piece of pie") or assuming every inappropriate joke is a serious indication of intent does not make someone dangerous. Most of the authors seemed to be living in a world where politeness and fairness and kindness are the norm, and are shocked--shocked!--that sarcasm, lying, bullying, and other forms of not-niceness could ever occur in a context that does not imply mental illness. Donald Trump may very well be a danger to society, but only two or three of the articles included in this book presented a convincing argument for it.