A review by samantha_89
The Splendor Falls by Rosemary Clement-Moore


I could not put this book down, so much so that it actually looks like it hasn’t been read. I have very little to complain about this book and that was such a nice change because I am such a nitpicker when it comes to books!

The Splendor Falls is a young adult book, but it stands out amongst all the other books, even the books that are somewhat similar to it. What I enjoyed most about the book (beyond the plot and characters) was the effective and logical use of lyrical narrative and the setting.

Today, we see books full of sarcasm and jokes and dry humor and I love it, I really really do. Sometimes though, you need a break and Splendor Falls totally gave me that vacation. Sylvie is a ballerina and was an amazing one before her accident, for me the soft quality of the narrative helped add to her background and passion for such a beautiful dance. It’s important to note that while the narrative isn’t full of sarcasm and the like Sylvie is still able to deliver some amazing smart-mouth remarks. I’m impressed and I bow down to a master of quick remarks.

The book takes place almost entirely Cahawba, Alabama. Clement-Moor did an excellent job of creating a Southern feel (although, I’m from California so I wouldn’t *really* know) but didn’t overwhelm us. The south has been a popular place for YA lately and not everyone has done as excellent a job at creating the right amount of glamor, old-world charm and history as Clement-Moor has. The little town this book takes place in has moved its way up in to my places I would like to travel.

I liked the character of Sylvie, Rhys and Shawn. I think Clement-Moor instilled the right amount of charm into Rhys and made Slyvie just sympathetic enough for the readers to like her.

Sylvie is an interesting character that could probably be compared to Claire from The Morganville Vampire series because although she is seventeen she has been an adult for a few years now touring with the ballet company. When she goes to stay with family she is back to being a kid again and it’s a very interesting situation for her to be in.

With enough YA books under my belt I knew to dislike Shawn but that didn’t turn me off from him, I liked his character and although he isn’t in a huge chunk of the book he is important and I really felt like he was a fully developed character.

Rhys was charming but I’m not sure I really saw past the charm and fell in love with him like I was supposed to. The characters of Rhys and Shawn and the way they interact is lovely and perfectly done.

The story does have a love triangle. I didn’t feel like it was trying to copy Twilight though and saw much more of the 1990s teen lit in this book then what is going on now. People who liked The Vampires Diaries will probably enjoy this book as well. I liked the mix of fantasy and reality and the book and never felt overwhelmed by it, this book can definitely be read by both those who are and aren’t obsessed with the paranormal. As for the romance in book… it’s gentle. No one over the age of twelve is going to blush while reading the book. However you feel about intimacy in the book that comment can go both ways. The PG aspect of the book makes it readable by more, but the PG aspect also makes us older readers wanting for more.

Some have said that they felt the book was too long. The story (which I believe takes place in about a week) certainly would be told more condensed by other writers. I didn’t have a problem with the length and actually would have appreciated a little more at the end because I felt the epilogue was a little rushed. A lot of people felt GiGi overshadowed everyone in the book. GiGi had been her friend for the past few months, of course she is going to be a big part of the book. It was interesting to see a pet incorporated so much in the book. She did probably get more page time then Rhys and I would have appreciated more time to spend with Rhys.

My biggest issue with the book is that it employs the absent parent writing technique. In the beginning of the book her mother gets married and although in other circumstances I could understand that her mother would go off on a honeymoon and not talk to her daughter for a week this was a circumstance where I just couldn’t by that. Now, if her mother had appeared to be uncaring or indifferent to her daughter’s situation than I could have understood that. It wasn’t shown though and it felt like her mother was just forgotten about and at 500 pages Clement-Moor just didn’t want to go through and incorporate her into the story.

Ultimately, I love this book. I finished it over a month ago and still do not want to leave the world. Even with all the loose ends cleaned up and tied off I would still read a sequel in a heartbeat. Since a lot of people have complained about the length of the book I would say it’s great for those who hate short books. Even though it was longer than most books though I still read it in about two or so days, so keep that in mind.