A review by riellareads
Dusk's Darkest Shores by Carolyn Miller


What a cute story! I have not had the opportunity to read any of Ms. Miller’s books before and am so glad that I was given the chance to read Dusk’s Darkest Shores. Mary Bloomfield is content where God has placed her. Even though she is considered by some to be a spinster, she has found purpose in helping others, especially alongside her father, the local doctor. The return of Adam Edgerton, a wounded soldier, brings excitement to the sleepy and beautiful town. Adam is now battling the effects of a destructive disease. Mary cannot allow him to suffer alone and together they begin to move forward. Will they be able to find a future with happiness?
I really liked Mary. She was so thoughtful and caring. I was very inspired by her faith, especially with her prayer life! She was so intentional about praying for people, something that I definitely need to grow in. I also related to her and her struggles with her words every now and then! She and Adam really were able to help each other. Adam was hurting so much. He had to struggle to fight the disease and darkness. I think that Ms. Miller showed his struggle in a realistic way. Even though he had bouts of sadness and discouragement, I feel like he was growing. He was discovering what he could still do and learning to depend on God. I thought that they really complimented one another, which is one of the best things in a relationship!
Watching Mary and Adam grow together and their relationship was super cute, I also enjoyed getting to know the village and everyone there. It was really sad at different points to see the struggles that people had. I thought it was also quite inspiring, the display of faith: Mary’s steady faith that had to come to terms with the tragedies of life and Adam’s rekindling of his trust and dependence on God. I appreciated seeing Mary’s family, and Johanna definitely grew on me! I am excited to read more of Ms. Miller! I definitely recommend this to those who enjoy Christian historical fiction. It is a little bit heavier, probably teen and up.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.