A review by tichwi
Rebel Angels by Libba Bray


Magic is loose in the realms, and Gemma Doyle is the only one who can bind it again. Gemma, Felicity and Ann enter the realms again and find that Pippa is still alive there. With the four girls reunited again, they explore farther into the realms, trying to discover how to bind the magic. They receive help from the Gorgon, who is bound to speak only the truth, and from Nell Hawkins, a woman locked up in Bedlam, where Gemma's brother now works. Nell's clues are cryptic however, and now the girl's must solve her puzzles, which leads them deeper into the realms than they have gone before, and eventually to Circe, Gemma's greatest foe.

While facing the difficulties of trying to fix the damage done in the realms, the girls' also use the magic for themselves, but it never seems too selfish. Gemma tries to help her family feel more like a family, and to help Ann feel more self confident. I loved the strained relationship between Gemma and Thomas because it feels so real. Thomas keeps her at arms length, hating the fact that she is their father's favorite, while Gemma longs for a big brother who will be there for her and protect her.

This book was as wonderful as the first. The characters are maturing and facing more difficult decisions. The action is suspenseful and exciting. Several times throughout the book I found myself holding my breath in anticipation or laughing out loud at the girls' antics. The characters are lovable, though flawed. By the last chapter, I couldn't wait to read the third book and see how the story ends, though I do not really want it to end.