A review by crystalbristol
Nine Rabbits by Virginia Zaharieva


This was a Goodreads: First Reads win! I really loved the beginning, but this book went downhill quickly for me. This book begins in Bulgaria with the abusive childhood of Manda. This section of the book was captivating and helped me develop compassion for Manda...and then the book abruptly jumps to Manda in adulthood, philosophically and crudely rambling, traveling to countries in choppy, unrelated narratives. After the section about her childhood, this novel lacks plot. Manda's adult narratives are filled with self-doubt and seldom connect to the accounts of her childhood at the beginning of this book. At the end, there is little growth or change in Manda, just the same self-doubt disguised through meditation. I ended up hating her. Since I won this book, I really wanted to love it, but found it disappointing.