A review by sk24
Fear the Worst by Linwood Barclay


4.5/5 stars

Fear the Worst follows a middle-aged man named Tim on his search for his daughter. Imagine you have a teenage daughter who suddenly goes missing, with no clear reason as to why. Then, when you go to her place of work the night she didn't come home, they have never heard of her. None of her friends seem to know where she went either. What would you do? Well, this is what happens to Tim in Fear the Worst. His journey is crazy and horrible and frustrating. Filled with action, mystery, and suspense, Fear the Worst is a great read for lovers of Mystery/Crime novels.

Tim is very relatable and easy to connect with and feel for. He is just your every day Joe who ends up getting caught up in all this crazy shit. I really sympathized for this guy. People kept trying to set him up and all he wanted was to find his daughter. But, soon the police are more interested in interrogating him than looking for his daughter. How frustrating! Nothing can go right for this guy.

The trauma in this story is never-ending. Shit keeps going down. One thing after another, after another. It's a pretty crazy story and quite intense, at times, to read. The novel is just one big shit storm for poor Tim. First, his daughter goes missing. (Then a series of other events happen throughout the novel to make Tim's life a living Hell)-->
SpoilerThen his home gets broken into while he's on a wild goose chase in Seattle, due to a false lead on his daughter's whereabouts. Then someone tries to kill him. Then he finds out he has another daughter from when he donated sperm in college, and she's missing now too. Then his crazy ex-girlfriend winds up dead in his house.
All the while, he's just trying to find his daughter and the cops are, instead of helping him, after him because they think he did all those things and killed his own daughter. Poor dude.

I am a fan of Linwood Barclay. I think he's an excellent story-teller that keeps his readers on their toes and always has unpredictable endings. In fact, there was a crazy twist at the end of Fear the Worst that I didn't see coming! My favourite novel of Barclay's so far is still No Time for Goodbye, but this one was enjoyable as well.

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