A review by dominish_books
Den of Thieves by David Chandler


If I were to sum up Den of Thieves in one word, I'd probably choose “frustrating”. This was a story that I was interested in, with characters who were at least half likeable, but at the same time it somehow just didn't grip me. When I wanted to settle down and read, I'd find a distraction after a couple of pages and let that take me, where normally I'd expect for the book to take precedence. It’s like there was a hook, but no barb on the end, so my interest would get tickled but ultimately fall off the end.

I think part of this may have been the writing. For large portions of the book I would be thinking “this is a YA novel” – it just seemed to be written for a younger audience until the occasional bit of strong language here and there. This aside though, frustrating is definitely the word. I did mostly enjoy this book, but just couldn't get in to it deeply enough to really enjoy it. It’s one of those novels that I finished and didn't actually dislike, but yet I have no real desire to pick up the next book in the series.