A review by maddiesreading23
In the Weeds by B.K. Borison


Maybe this is what happy is supposed to be. A person, a place. A single moment in time. Beckett in the hallway helping me untangle the sweatshirts from around my shoulders. A family of cats jostling for our attention as we trip into the kitchen. Tea in the kettle on the stovetop and two mugs sitting side by side right next to it.

This is the first book in the lovelight series that I read, and I made my sister buy me books for Christmas before I had even finished this because I knew I was going to want to read them all lol

Evelyn and Beckett are such comfort characters. I feel so in touch with Evie and her search for self and home. and Beckett! I am really not a cat person but for my earmuff-wearing soft boy I am willing to change! I love them both so much