A review by lanalewis0
Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid


5 whopping stars.

“men often think they deserve a sticker for treating women like people.”

—this book honestly blew me away. it’s about a band called the six who end up joining up with a rock star named daisy jones, and their experiences as a band as the years go on; you get to see it from their own perspectives because this book is written in interview style! it was a very interesting take on writing because i have never read a book like this before, and i enjoyed it very much.

—i personally felt very connected to daisy; not in the parent aspect but the fact that she feels like no one sees her and she uses negative coping skills to deal with that. i can understand that, but i can also feel for the people who did not enjoy her character because it seems that she doesn’t want to get better. one thing i always say is that you won’t get any better if you don’t put in the effort and genuinely want to, and daisy eventually does and that really made me happy.

—i liked the feminism throughout the books, some examples being karen’s abortion and her wanting to be seen as strong and not in the wrong for getting one because she didn’t want a kid, i think it was dealt with really well. i think graham handled the situation horribly imo. if he truly loved her, i think he should have been on her side, no matter how much he wanted the kid. it wasn’t his place, and the fact that he dropped her afterwards sat with me wrong. another example of good feminism to me was daisy’s entire attitude towards life. she was a very “fuck your opinion, i’m gonna do me” woman and i appreciated that about her because she spoke up against herself and that was so important for me.

—billy was a hard character to judge because i felt for him but thought he made shitty decisions. i think eddie was my least favorite character, he was whiny and bitched about everything and it irritated me.

—i feel as though this book was such a found family book and it made my heart swell.