A review by carolpk
The Retribution by Val McDermid


supplied by the publisher in e-galley format

Reading this seventh in the Police Profiler Tony Hill/DCI Carol Jordan series without reading the rest may not be as satisfying as reading them all in order, but I honestly think it can be done. I've only read 3 and didn't feel cheated in the least. I got enough back story to know where I stood and as for the future of the characters, if I get to read the next, so be it, but I won't mind if I don't. Perhaps this is because I am a more of a stand-alone kind of gal. I'd rather not be committed to read the whole of a series as there is so much out there to read.

All this being said, I enjoyed Retribution. McDermid has a great way with her characters and her stories are entertaining. There's enough blood and guts for any thriller reader and I found the plot believable and well constructed.

I haven't seen Wire in the Blood, the tv program based on the books. I think I might like these. In reading reviews from other fans, some said they didn't like the ending. I really liked where the author left the story. Seemed logical to me. In fact, other than the great interplay in the relationship between Hill and Jordan, the ending might have been my favorite part of the book.

One frivolous complaint. I truly dislike the name of the villain. Jacko...yuk!