A review by vhp
Year of No Clutter by Eve O. Schaub


You know the term that person has a screw loose? Yeah, that fits this author. Also the term, she's certifiable.
This book is more about the author's hoarding issues and not so much about clutter. It's about her redefining the terms clutter and hoarding and also justifying her hoarding.
What would you do if you noticed a dead mouse in your house? Would you run and write a story about it as Eve does? Not only does she claim to do this, but also saves the body in a white jewelry box and then later even names him... Samuel.
pg. 164 In talking about Hearst Castle she says, "Do you think people would come from all over the world to visit Hearst Castle if they called it "Hearst's Hoard"? Don't you think it could easily have been oe if there had been no staff to sort it out and keep it organized?"
Now mind you, Hearst supposedly kept thinkgs like George Washington's waist coat. That's part of history. How is that hoarding? It doesn't matter if one has staff to organize your dead mouse.
pg. 167 ...'because it's not the things you keep that make you a hoarder.'
Want to bet on that crazy mouse lady?
pgs 227-231 she lists some of her weirdest items she owns. (the mouse is the first on the list, so at least she recognizes it's weird.
pages 256-257 where she's going through her budding hoarder youngest daughter's art work for a book project, the little girl falls into a fit of hysterical laughter and that is heart warming. The best part of the book. But why do I call the youngest child a budding hoarder? She already saves empty candy wrappers, and a finger nail that came off.
The psychology is what intrigues me, but if I had this family as clients, I'd have to shower after every session.
Do I recommend this book? No, not really. There's humor in it, but more so, there's sadness that this woman needs help and she's too busy justifying or renaming. Call it what you want, it doesn't change facts.