A review by bethan
The Bard's Blade by Brian D. Anderson


So......... I really wanted to *love* this book, unfortunately I ended up just *liking* it. 

This whole book is just Lem agrees to anything anyone propositions to him while whining that he doesn't have any choice to say no. 

Also this book is very much tell don't show... Lem goes from doing his first stabby stabby to literally the next chapter he's been doing it for months and now the whole world knows of him....

Also the world has very vague world building, the same with who is meant to be the big bad....

Lem is poor mans Kvothe and Mariyah is poor woman's Egwene. 


Ahhh I'm so mad cause this is exactly the kind of story I love so I'm really mad this book fell short of what I wanted... I will still continue on with the series as the books are relatively fast paces and quick to read through.