A review by caitiline
Deerskin by Robin McKinley


Deerkskin , by Robin McKinley is the second book of hers I have read, and, like the first, The Hero and the Crown , there was just something about the writing style that I could not relate to.
I found myself quite bored through the opening section of the novel. I understand that it is a retelling of a fairy tale and so has that detached narrative style, yet I couldn't connect to the characters, nor could I sense any sort of "reality" in it. The middle section of the book I enjoyed more, Lissar's journey through the forest and her eventual transformation. It was nicely written with some beautiful descriptions, yet still I couldn't find that connection with the characters. Whilst the novel dealt with some heavy issues (I actually think she did this well), I found it very bland and there was just something lacking that I cannot put my finger on. Perhaps I am more used to fantasy novels with lots going on, wars, political intrigue, complicated story lines..
I'm sure that some people will enjoy the slow build and the gentle tone, but it was just not for me.