A review by sarahp85
Karamo: My Story of Embracing Purpose, Healing, and Hope by Karamo Brown


Difficult to rate this one so leaving it in the middle.

Thing is, I LOVE Karamo on QE. He is always making me cry. And I didn't know anything about him at all, never watch those reality shows on MTV, didn't know who he was before QE. So it was super interesting to me to find out more about his life.

But... I don't know what it is exactly that made me not love this book. Sometimes it came across a bit like: hi look at how amazing I am
Eventhough I don't think he means to do that. I think it is more about overcoming obstacles/struggles/addiction and learning from them, using it for the good.

But like I said, there were moments where it came across like a show-off "look at me, I'm amazing, I did all of this and that and I am the best". So for that reason I couldn't fully love it. If that makes any sense