A review by lifeand100books
Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart by Beth Pattillo


Adorable read. Very fast paced. I was 3/4 of the way through it without even noticing.

Due to her sisters pregnancy Claire Prescott agrees to take her place at an Oxford seminar on Pride and Prejudice. Having just lost her job she decides that she needs to go and figure out what she's going to do for the rest of her life. She's unsure of a lot of things since her layoff. Enter James; handsome, suave, and rich. With his introduction Claire begins questioning her relationship with her boyfriend at home Neil. While all of this is going on Claire meets an elderly woman who claims to be a descendent of Jane Austen's family. She claims to have the original manuscript of First Impressions (P&P). She lets Claire read it but tells her it must be kept secret. James begins taking Claire out on dates and kisses her one night. Neil pops into Oxford the next day and finds out about James. Claire doesn't understand why he's there when her leaving was of so little importance to him. He tells her how much he loves her and wants to marry her, but now that James is in her life he guesses she doesn't need/want him anymore.

I won't tell you who she winds up with, but the first draft of First Impressions plays a big role on how she makes her decision.

As I said earlier the book was incredibly fast paced. I would have enjoyed learning about each of the characters more. All the events happened one after the other after the other.

It was an adorable read and was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I'd enjoy reading a sequel to find out what happened with Claire once she got back home. She was an endearing character and I do so hope she found herself and got her life back on track.