A review by dbswanson
The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor by Kaitlyn Schiess


My review is from reading a pre-launch version of this book that I received from NetGalley.

The author, Kaitlyn Schiess, gives us a very good snapshot of how some evangelicals have, "solidified a particular approach to political engagement largely based in a partnership with the Republican party." Her argument is backed up by other authors who have written on this subject many of which I have read. As a result of this alliance she writes, "The idol demanded more and more of us until we abdicated our true identities for a false one."

Through her book Kaitlyn Schiess establishes the important connection between spiritual formation and politics. She does this by using James K. A. Smith's thinking regarding liturgies that form us. Until the invention of the printing press and the reduction in the cost of books much of the education of Church congregations occurred through the liturgies they developed.

She looks at ways liturgies can be used to inform us about our political lives in dangerous or biblically motivated ways. I personally was informed, moved, and validated in reading this book. The chapters that were particularly moving and informative to me were where the subject matter informed us about the need to be a part of a community of believers, the Church as a political training ground, spiritual disciplines as political formation, reading politics with Augustine, and eschatology and political formation. All of her chapters were well thought out and written, but these exposed areas in my life that are in need of growth.

I am 71 years old, attended Bible College and Seminary, and love to read, learn and grow and I am glad that she listened to her professor that told her if she waited until she was 100 percent ready, she would never write it, and to all the other people who have had an influence in her growth. To use a phrase from her Acknowledgments, "I am thankful beyond words" that she used her gifts to write this book. I will be reading it again and highly recommend it as addition to your library.

As a final note: This book has been provided courtesy of InterVarsity Press and NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.