A review by mpho3
Seven Guitars: 8 by August Wilson

This is the sixth play I've read from Wilson's cycle of ten, each set in a different decade, all set in Pittsburgh. Despite some recurrent themes, each is unique and tells its own story with its own characters. I was surprised, therefore, when I realized how directly this one connects to King Hedley II. Ruby's telling of the fateful encounter between Elmore and Leroy differs from Elmore's version of the story in the chronologically later play and is a perfect example of how realistic Wilson's mythology feels. These two-act plays are rich in what Wilson himself calls out as Black culture. As I keep moving back in time, I am enthralled by how timeless some experiences are. Though I have been disappointed in the short shrift given to his female characters, I enjoyed the richer characterizations Wilson created in the women of this story: Vera, Louise, and Ruby.