A review by samanthajayne_x
Always With Love by Giovanna Fletcher


The description to this is amazing, as I say it is a sequel to Billy and Me, but you would definitely have to read Billy and Me to understand what is going off in Always with love, so just be aware of that. Going back to these characters it felt like a very comfortable home, reading them just reminded me how much I did fall in love with the characters and the story. It felt like home.

Being that it is a sequel I can’t go into that much detail about everything in case it spoils the first book.

After I finished Billy and Me I was satisfied with the ending it was beautiful and I loved it, then she brought out Christmas with Billy and Me which was a short novella and I found myself wanting more and more after that. I had missed the characters so much I just wanted more. So when Giovanna announced that she was getting ready to publish her 4th novel I was so happy, so when she revealed it was the sequel I was jumping up and down. The story focuses on Sophie and Billy as they fly out to LA to see Billy’s family at new year, but things don’t go to plan and Billy decides to stay and film a movie and Sophie goes home alone. She agreed with this but it still comes with problems, the problems of a long distant relationship and Billy being a famous movie start. Although Sophie knows what comes with it, she still struggles with it sometimes.

Sophie’s character grew so much in Billy and Me and there is no exception for this novel, her character is still loving to Billy and her family around her she also will try with people, that’s evident when she meets Lauren and Rachel. I loved Sophie her character she was very sarcastic and it just made me smile.

Billy, he had a few personality trips sort of, when the distance begins to get between them and he is in LA being treated like the famous movie start he starts to turn into an ass, but of course he does change his attitude. I thought that was a good reflection of sometimes fame going to your head and that you do have to bring people down from it.

Billy and Sophie’s relationship, it’s one of those where you wish you could have a love like theirs, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy, but obviously, Giovanna does show the strain and struggle that relationships can have and she does it perfectly. Both of their fears for the relationship and how much they share and want to love each other and just be there. It was perfect.

Lauren was a new character in this book and she is Billy’s sister, Sophie instantly liked her and I did too she was bubbly and just very carefree, Lauren makes a lot of changes in her character, she goes from being not very driven and just not really doing much. To becoming a working girl and having an intern and having ambition it was such a change for her character and it worked really well. Lauren I fell in love with her character. (I wonder if Giovanna could make a book on her?)

I really want to talk about a lot more but it being a sequel I can’t because I will ruin it, one thing to carry on though part of the book was set in England and being that is my home, i could resonate with a lot of things. Although we all complain about how cold and rainy it is, if we ever went somewhere hot we would complain – exactly what Sophie did. Just it’s nice reading a book where I live and can understand the things that a certain character does because I can understand it. Where as the rest of the book is set in LA I couldn’t imagine like being there and doing some of the stuff they do.