A review by theeuphoriczat
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow


Let me start by saying that the vibes in this book was simply immaculate!

Thanks to #pridebooktours for making this book available to me as part of the Instagram tour.

"You read me the book, I'll sing you the tune"

Set in a not so distant future, aliens arrive on earth. They are immediately seen as a threat and they are treated as such. With the same level of hate and vitriol that the world runs on. When the Aliens strike back, the humans were not ready. [Side note: I have always found it funny that we humans seem to believe that we are the only sentient and intelligence being in the cosmos which is just utter rubbish. We cannot even substantiate that individually we exist outside our own head. Our collective unconscious solipsistic nature rears its head again]

"We are music and stories brought to life ... by love"

Alien takeover everything. They locked humans up and took away everything that tie us humans together, literature [Books & Music]. The aliens (who call themselves Ilori) created vaccines that they used to take over human minds. But deeper than just taking over human consciousness, their goal was to make Earth into their 'vacation paradise'. However, before they can achieve this, they have to make the air and earth breathable and liveable for them. So this goes beyond just attacking humans. The Ilori know that taking away things that promote free thinking such as books, movies, music etc. is the only way that they can actually force people to not revolt.

"Music is human expression. Human expression is dangerous and leads to free thinking. Revolt. Death. And so true Ilori leadership has banned it "

There are two types of Ilori. The true Ilori who cannot come to earth yet because it is not pure & sustainable enough for them to survive. And the lab made Ilori, those grown from the cells of the true Ilori for a specific purpose and they are the only ones who are on earth as they were created to be like humans. Morrison is a lab made Ilori who created the vaccine but he hides a secret that no one must find out. He likes music and books even though they are banned. This brings him in contact with Janelle who runs an illegal library system for other humans living in the Ilori compound.

At first, she is sceptical, as she should but soon she finds herself falling in love with Morrison even though he is an alien. She has to continually re-evaluate her opinions of the aliens and Morrison. Can she trust him? but more importantly, how would the Andarrans see this when they live both in the past, present and future?! Anyways, Janelle and Morrison go on a journey to save humanity from bureaucracy and hate that made them so easy to conquer in the first place.

I loved how this book explored themes such as race, classism, socio-economic discrepancy, alienation, parental relationship, LGBTQIA+ relationships, the power of music and the arts and of course LOVE.

Highly recommend.