A review by hea0
Fathomfolk by Eliza Chan


Rating: ⭐️⭐️.75

I struggled to finish this book, and now that I have, I'm left feeling disappointed.

The story and plot had great potential. Sadly, it didn't deliver. I felt the author tried to include every single idea that came to mind but couldn't tie it up neatly. There is too much happening, while simultaneously, I didn't feel like the story was going anywhere.
I had problems picturing the world and the different scenes. I found it extremely frustrating that I was being told about a dialogue while it was happening instead of witnessing the actual conversation.
The story is told from three different POVs in 3rd person. I found it confusing to keep track of whose POV I was following, and also, Mira and Nami's names are so similar that it made it even harder to keep track.

I didn't feel for any of the characters. Mira was stubborn and proud, Nami was a naive and stupid little girl, and Cordelia was a self-centered snob. And Kai, the supposed golden boy, seemed completely useless.

The relationships were no good. I have no idea what Kai was seeing in Mira as the whole thing felt one-sided. And don't get me started on Nami and Firth's relationship, which was just gross.


I feel like the plot is somewhat unclear and that there are some plot wholes.
The whole deal with the dragon pearl... how could Kai and Nami's mother have given up a pearl but still be alive. And how is that their sibling?
How could Mira not have any objections to Kai giving up his pearl, but stand there cool as a cucumber when he wants to sacrifice himself?
What was the drawbacks goal by killing the titan... and if the city is on the titan's back, why didn't it sink when they killed it?
I also fail to see why the folk were so dependent on the humans (which are horrible), the ocean is huge! There had to be other places below the surface that could be made into a home.
And in the end, everyone grows gills and suddenly they're all holding hands and singing kumbaya?!
It's a no from me, I won't be continuing this series.

Sorry for the rant, I'm done now...