A review by aminowrimo
The Orange Fairy Book by Andrew Lang


I read the fairy books for writing inspiration. I didn't need any when I started this one, but that was only because I have 2 stories being written, 1 clamoring in my head like a bird... and about ten more in various stages. But my reading group has a food challenge...

And I can never quite pass up a challenge. So I read this collection of fairy tales. My favorites were:

- Ian, the Soldier's Son
- The Enchanted Wreath
- The Foolish Weaver
- The White Doe
- The Frog and the Lion Fairy
- The Adventures of Covan the Brown-Haired
- The Princess Bella-Flor
- The Bird of Truth
- The White Slipper
- The Magic Book

Since the food challenge includes finding a recipe containing the food in the title/author's name (and the description of balsam in the White Slipper never states what sort of plants are used in it), I started hunting some exotic orange recipe.

Instead, I found mandarin orange dust-- which sounds like a magical fairy powder.

And delicious.

I found the recipe here:


The recipe?

- very thinly sliced orange,dried in an oven or dehydrator, pounded into dust, with a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar added in.

That's it.