A review by bethreadsandnaps
News from Heaven: The Bakerton Stories by Jennifer Haigh


Set in fictional, coal mining Bakerton, this series of semi-connected short stories had interesting although mostly sad, situations and characters. It seemed reflective of any small town that was founded on one employer. Learning that Haigh wrote this after Baker Towers (which I didn't read), this feels like a supplement where she explores more with her favorite characters. These might have been story threads that got axed when she got to the final draft of Baker Towers.

Small towns, loneliness and regret are some of the universal themes. It seemed that those who got out of the small town didn't fare any better than those that ended up staying--not getting out.

Some of the stories had the same characters but years later or interconnected characters. It was hard to keep them straight, as I hadn't read Baker Towers. I felt like I missed some important character connections.