A review by the_neon_poodle
Stillness Is the Key by Ryan Holiday


Ryan Holiday's Stillness reads like a Robert Green-light book. It's shorter and less depth. But that's my no means a bad thing. Actually I think it's a great introduction to a lot of concepts which you can explore further.
I listened to the audiobook and had a little notepad with me while listening and made quite some notes on people, articles and books mentioned in this book.
It has some great advice on stillness. Read books, ditch your phone, get rid of stuff you don't really need, focus on the important stuff, get lost in the woods sometimes.. advice which for most of us who want to improve our game (whatever that is), probably not new.
I found the chapter on Tiger Woods quite upsetting. I didn't know his story. Like that of Michael Jordan's anger it serves as a warning to get motivation mainly from a positive source. From the love of the sport.
And to balance your goals in one area with the rest of your life.