A review by lilalayachi
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young


"Life wasn’t a Hollywood movie. Shit happened. You fought, you screamed, and somehow you worked like hell to get out the other side still intact."

It was a good reading.
Since read Young's Flight or Fight, I determined to read this one, because this one is her most read book. Eventho I didn't put this in my TBR list but eventually I read this first before my TBR books.

I love this book but I can't give 5 stars because there are some parts in this book that so bored and so out of point. Also the way Branden was so perfect. Uh no man as perfect as he is in real life 🙃

I love how witty Joss is. I also love the way she handle her past, her struggles. Maybe she can be so bitchy but I know why she like that.

I love Ellie and definitely will read the story about her and Adam in this series!