A review by justinkhchen
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart


4.5 stars

A stylish gothic tale of rich family woe, I'm definitely late on the We Were Liars (re)hype train, but now after consuming it in mere day, I can see its appeal — obviously it won't live up to the ridiculous reputation it has online, but it is still a very solid piece of fiction.

We Were Liars is admittedly more about 'vibe' than actual substance, still I was completely taken by its hazy, haunting atmosphere, and the intensely poetic, fragmented writing style. Yes, it can come across a little 'try-hard' and pretentious at times, but in some ways it perfectly mirrors the fatalistic, teen angst of its protagonists. Lastly, the way it builds toward its 'reveal', while nothing revolutionary, definitely rings true emotionally and reinforces the overall romantic melancholy tone.

Browsing through online reviews I'm surprised no one has quite mentioned its gothic fiction root: isolated architectural setting, hint of the supernatural, and melodrama around the breakdown of a wealthy family. Overall, We Were Liars is exquisitely crafted, especially considering it's dealing with some pretty dark subject matters within a YA framework; I can see its attributes being easily criticized or ridiculed (Who cares about rich people problems?! Why is it trying to be poetry?!.. etc.) but overall I thoroughly enjoyed it for what it set out to accomplish.