A review by snivystorm
Running the Room: The Teacher's Guide to Behaviour by Tom Bennett


A clear and effective book regarding how best to run a classroom. This book is spoken from a man who, if what is said on the page is true, has truly experienced the pain and anguish any new teacher would feel when faced with a group of half-engaged children and struggling to teach them with the tools equipped with them from their teaching course that are truly lacking in effective methods to manage a classroom when that classroom is filled with children who are not the ideal, model student for paying attention in class. What Bennett says is rather obvious once read, but he captures exactly the sort of thing a new teacher needs to learn if they are to truly understand how best to 'run the room' as it were.

However, some of his anecdotes can drag on, particularly when the point and example already perfectly illustrated it. Regardless, what he says is spot on and does work if one perseveres at using his methods in the classroom.

His point about how it really is a 'two school' experience is so correct it stings. Some mentors can even struggle to realise that and might not properly equip the trainee to teach a classroom with the non-model students and simply remark "you'll learn as you teach". While that's fine when the mentor is in the room and, through their reputation, the more disengaged pupils keep quiet, this doesn't work once that trainee teacher is left alone, without them to help. The trouble starts: talking over the teacher, the turning round, the throwing of paper planes, the refusal to work, getting out of seats. Only once a trainee teacher teaches without a mentor in the room can they truly realise how difficult teaching can be. And Bennett knows that and he's wrote a great book to help new teachers and perhaps even more experienced teachers too.

My only advice is to watch a few videos he has done as well as he can speak his ideas, some at least, clearer than he can write them. All in all, a solid, if long-winded at times, book on managing behaviour in a classroom.