A review by ameserole
Just Like That by Gary D. Schmidt


Just Like That definitely made me feel emotions that I wasn't planning on actually feeling. I will also admit that I was a little confused to some of the references mentioned but after reading some of the reviews it all makes sense. My confusion that is. So, I will need to quickly redeem myself and jump into a certain book to hopefully make everything right in my world again.

Other than that, I really enjoyed getting to know the characters throughout this. Meryl just continued to tug my heart strings. I felt so bad for her at times because of what she was going through. It's one thing to be shipped off to boarding school and it's a whole other thing to deal with your parents divorcing. Now I've never been to boarding school bug my parents did divorce when I was pretty young.

I think that's why I really enjoyed her story and felt certain things. Well, certain emotions. That being said, I will need to jump into another one of Gary's books stat!