A review by ielerol
The Far Side of the World by Patrick O'Brian


This is the second time Maturin has refused to perform an abortion, and it still bums me out! I know Patrick O'Brian did a lot of historical research, but was his attitude really consistent with how doctors of the time understood the directive to "do no harm?" Especially given the extremely obvious consequence that
SpoilerMrs. Horner gets an abortion from Higgins instead, which surely caused a lot more harm to her, personally, than if Maturin did it. Like if the option is killing the fetus and the woman or just the fetus, I know that modern-day anti-choice activists are in fact fine killing the woman, but surely Maturin would not be!
I thought that historically speaking, before a lot of modern medical technology like ultrasound, fetuses weren't considered "alive" at all before quickening, and the modern form of extreme anti-abortion beliefs are relatively new. And yet, the narrative on the whole (as well as Maturin personally, beyond that refusal) is very sympathetic to the woman in question, and women in general, while still not giving characters absurdly anachronistic beliefs. The portrayal of Polynesians as cannibals is maybe not great, and yet, those Polynesian women are amazing, and Maturin is clearly sure they have the right idea. Maybe I should do more research myself.

Still, everything else going on here is excellent.