A review by melissapalmer404
Never Ending by Martyn Bedford


Book #102 Read in 2014
Never Ending by Martyn Bedford (YA)

Shiv is in therapy at a clinic; she is trying to recover from the death of her brother, Declan. Shiv blames herself for his death, which happened while the family was on vacation in Greece. Through flashbacks, readers begin to get the picture of Shiv's relationship with her brother and where things began to fall apart. This book bogged down a bit for me in the middle and at times I thought about putting it down unfinished, but I had to keep going to find out how Declan died and if Shiv really was to blame as she believed. This is definitely geared toward high school students. I think a reluctant reader would have a hard time finishing this book.

I received a copy of this book from the Amazon Vine program in exchange for a honest review.