A review by alliepeduto
When Two Feathers Fell from the Sky by Margaret Verble


When Two Feathers Fell From the Sky is a mystery, a historical novel, and, above all, an educational narrative that will stick with you long after the last page. The characters and situations will draw you in, but the haunting story and the lessons available to those open to learning will keep you.

Two Feathers, our eponymous main character, is a horse diver (and I highly recommend you research that to get a full appreciation for the job title), who is working in the now defunct Nashville Glendale Zoo in 1926. After a series of strange happenings, Two becomes embroiled in a mystery regarding the park’s animals and whether there are supernatural elements at play. It’s magical realism at its finest, but I found the story extremely believable despite this.

But what I found most compelling in the book was the storytelling. This expertly weaved in historical facts while maintaining a sense of the unknown, honoring those who have gone before, with an understanding that history repeats itself. Our job is to listen and learn, and to be better. It’s masterful writing and an engaging story that you won’t want to miss!