A review by janinesbookcorner
The Pure World Comes by Rami Ungar


If you are in a reading slump, I would definitely recommend you give this one a try!! It’s a bit of a shorter Gothic horror novel set in the Victorian era, but there are otherworldly spirits and a mad scientist (and even a bit of a romance thrown in there!).

I’m not always a fan of stories set in Victorian times (I know, I know, y’all can send me your hate mail) but this one was a smooth reading experience for me and I actually really enjoyed it. I liked how the author talked about “new inventions” like running toilets and electricity, and it was also cool to read about courting and why relationships were formed during this period (hint: it’s not cute or romantic).

Although the book never felt slow to me, I did feel that the first half didn’t contain nearly as much action and plot as the second half. I was expecting the spooky scenes to start coming up a lot sooner than they did. In saying that, I found that the delay of these scenes made for a really intense ending!!

Big thank you to Henry Roi for sending me my free copy in exchange for an honest review!