A review by marensreads
The Fashion Orphans by Randy Susan Meyers


2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

What would Coco Chanel do? This seems to be the overarching question in Randy Susan Meyer and M.J. Rose’s Fashion Orphans.

Having grown apart over the past decade, estranged sisters Lulu and Gabrielle are shocked to learn their deceased mother has left them an entire collection of vintage Chanel. Even more startling, are the mysterious Coco Chanel quotes, found in many of the pieces, that seem to speak to each of them directly. As the sisters struggle to figure out what to do with all of their mother’s belongings, they are forced to confront both their past relationship with their mother and with each other.

The first half of this book was incredibly slow with a lot of eye rolling on my part. After struggling to get through the first half of the book, I was glad the second half read a bit faster. All in all, this book felt very lackluster. While the characters weren’t completely one-dimensional, I did not feel as though I really connected with either of them. The plot inched along at a snail’s pace and there was nothing in this book that really peaked my interest or kept me engaged.

This was not my cup of tea; however, I’m sure there are others who would enjoy all of the wonderful fashion references held within these pages as well as the moving story of two sisters finding their way back to one another.

Thank you to NetGalley and Blue Box Press for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.