A review by biteintobooks
Iron Gold by Pierce Brown


I thought I was never going to read a 5-star book this year. March was so mediocre for me... But YES! Here it is! I had a hard time to get through the first part of this book, because I was reading other, shorter, quicker paced books. Last weekend I decided to just binge-read this book and I read 250 pages in one day, which is a LOT for me. I totally fell in love with this series again and I ordered book 5 right away.

Full review can be found at BiteIntoBooks

This is definitely one of those series that you just WANT on your shelves, because you're sure you will one day re-read it, because it's so good. This book does not disappoint, even thought we fast forward in this book for 10 years. I would recommend this book to any science-fiction or fantasy lover. It's SO gorydamn good!