A review by banrions
The Hidden One by T.B. Markinson


This one took me a while to get through.

I paused and listened to more than one other book, and some podcasts in between as it just wasn’t really grabbing my attention in the beginning. I think my problem was as much as I liked the characters (Ainsley, Fiona, and Maya, mostly) and as much as in theory I like political stuff like this… this particular one just didn’t do it for me. Maybe it was all the mentions of trump era politics (when this was written so, fair) but I just didn’t want to hear about it all over again. And, though I also believe and support pretty much everything Ainsley stood for in her political views and speeches, I felt myself rolling my eyes and getting annoyed with how many “speech” sections she gave. Like… yes, she was running for fake office in a mock election, she had to give speeches, lol I know this, but half the time they were just her talking to another character outside of that and it just had me tuning out, a bit.

I did really like the continuation of her relationship with Maya, getting to see them three years into their relationship was wonderful, and I wish we got more established relationships or series that stick with couples in sapphic fiction overall, because It’s a nice change of pace.

Overall I did enjoy this once it picked up a bit more, but it felt like there were some things left unresolved a bit, with character stuff near the end. I wonder if this is planned to have more in it as a series? I’d def check another one out, because I do really like and care about these characters. Lori Prince is wonderful narrating, as always. Her Ainsley voice isn’t my fav her her repertoire, but it fits the character and it’s not as grating (for me) as like, the one she gives Corey in the gallows humor series, or anything.