A review by nobodyatall
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner


Alan Garner (along with Roald Dahl) was the first author I remember being really enthusiastic about when I was a child. And I am still enthusiastic, this is a brilliant book (i'm being stingy with my 5 stars though). Alan Garner introduced me to a whole world of magic and myth. I really enjoyed reading this again, it is a bit dated, but it doesn't suffer for it.

There is a passage in this book when the group are travelling through some mines which has stayed with me as the most disturbing thing I have ever read and has fueled many nightmares. Re-reading it again, it is still as disturbing as ever (though my wife just said 'meh' and doesn't understand, so it's probably me).

Please excuse the waffle, this review is mostly for me to jog my memory in future.