A review by ambeesbookishpages
At Any Price by Brenna Aubrey


The full review can be found at The Book Bratz

So I read the summary to this book and I was immediately intrigued. You don't hear often about a girl selling her virginity online, in fact the only time I ever heard of it was in an episode of Law & Order: SVU. Needless to say I wasn't sure what to expect. At Any Price was sexy, interesting, and kept me in my toes wanting to know what was going to happen next.

This love had cost me more than three quarters of a million dollars. It had cost me my heart. And there was no buying it back--at any price. It belonged to him. Forever.

Mia is a struggling college student, she is a gamer and blogs regularly. When she finally realizes that she won't be able to make ends meet she makes a huge decision. She posts a ‘Virgin Manifesto' on her blog and begins an auction for her virginity. Little does she know that her virginity will sell for $750,000. The young millionaire, CEO and founder of Mia's favorite game, Adam Drake is the winner. He is dark, sexy and beautiful. Mia may think she is getting paid for just the one night of passion, but Drake wants a whole lot more.

*The definition of Adam Drake*

I loved the characters and plot of At Any Price. The characters were unique and well developed. I adored Mia's character and I loved Adam's character, though I did see some of the twists coming it didn't take any shock on how Brenna had them play out. The romance is slow burn, and almost teasing. Its there and then it wasn't. I was swiping through my kindle at record speed waiting for the next Adam and Mia moment. I am disconent with the fact that there are two more books to Mia and Adam's story. I am content with the end to their story in this book, so I might not read on in the series. Overall, I really enjoyed At Any Price and will be looking out for more of Brenna Aubrey soon!