A review by levitatingnumeral
The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


El Palacio de la Medianoche is obviously an amusing book, and I say obviously for I still haven't read a book by Zafón that didn't please me. It is, however, not as good as El Príncipe de la Niebla, the first in this "trilogy".
It wasn't as catchy as Zafón's previous writing, and it's slightly more predictable, but it's still rather good. Yet, even though it happens in Calcutta, I didn't see a very deep development in the "different culture" matter.
In my opinion, none of the characters was really remarkable in this story, and even the villain, which tends to be my favourite personality in Zafón's book, had a change of mind that didn't feel like it suited him, so he lost points with me. I don't mean the characters are shallow, though, they're normal people, with some very well explored characteristics such as pride, but they are almost dull in comparison to other creations by the same author.
The plot is rather good if we use a "common books" scale, yet it's only mildly pleasant considering who wrote this book. I could say I'm taking on account that this is his second book and he was just starting to develop his genius, but I saw much more potential in his first writing, so I can't say that's the reason El Palacio de la Medianoche isn't as spectacular as other Zafóns.