A review by andreagraves5
Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculée Ilibagiza


This is an amazing story. What makes me sad, is that I had ::no:: idea the genocide was even going on at the time it happened. I wish I could have been helping them somehow. Those poor people with such horrible things going on. Immaculee is amazing, I would ::love:: to hear her speak or better yet, meet her. She's an amazing lady, beautiful inside and out.

This book was painful for me to read, as I like flowery, light, happy stuff. But, I think everyone should read this book. It's pretty much the worst life could get - so if I ever think my life is hard, I need to remember Immaculee and her hope, faith and strong will to survive. There was amazing perspective in this book. The things that woman went through blew my mind, I honestly can't believe people could turn so animalistic and evil - it was heartbreaking. I'm very thankful Immaculee survived. The pictures in the back of the book were SO interesting. Breaks my heart at the same time. Def a tear jerker book, but SO worth reading! :) I just love how forgiving and hopeful Immaculee was and is. She's amazing.

I think I will continue to think about this book for many years to come... and Tana was right, this is a life-changing book...