A review by umairah
Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente


This book is a fairy tale. Not a nice fairy tale where they all live happily ever after. Not fulfilling or pretty or sweet. It's a poignant tale, a monstrous one, a magical one, a vicious one. And now that I've finished it I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. I'm still giving it 5 stars.

The writing is beautiful and crisp- I loved it. I also loved the use of Russian mythology and legend and how it wove into the political situation in Russia at the time (it was overdone at times however). The story has no real plot- it just follows Marya Morevna's story - and it has no real ending but it still takes you on a journey and is captivating. Fairy tales and legends are always too perfect and always ends the same way with the same stock characters. This book challenges those predictable, perfect stories and endings. It was different, a welcome change.