A review by piper_sh
A Wedded Arrangement by Noelle Adams


Our beloved heroine Savannah is the most obnoxious, self-righteous and unlikeable person I've read about in ages. There is no way in this world or any other that any man would find her charming or likable and certainly not lovable. She is just plain awful! She feels more like the villain of this story than anything else. Is she 100% wrong about the things she says? No BUT essentially she has only one opinion and that is that rich people are terrible human beings because they have money and she doesn't. She is just so hateful and despicable towards the male MC it's unbelievable. The more I read about her the more I hated her and IMHO no sane person could love her like that. All her snarky remarks are so annoying, bossy and rude. She constantly puts Lance down and barely treats him like a person with feelings (Oh sorry my mistake, he is rich - he has no feelings...). She really just treats him like a D she likes to F.
DNF'd at 50%