A review by sambora
The Shobies' Story by Ursula K. Le Guin, Allan Kaster, Amy Bruce


What a wonderfully strange and somewhat "trippy" story this was. It was very enjoyable, and it was fun to see a variety of cultures and people from across the series come together; Hainish, Gethenians, Terrans, Cetians, etc.
Seeing some of the tech get used on screen was rewarding as well, both the Ansible and the Churten principles played big roles here, the later of which was rather mind bending to come to a working understand of.

This is definitely a story only to be read and fully appreciated by those invested in the Hainish series as a whole though, it really won't make any sense to a newcomer.
Still, I liked it very much. Its sometimes the smaller stories like this that make me realise how much I will get from rereading this series in the future.