A review by hijinx_abound
Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne


A sci fi mash up of Jane Eyre (with some tweaks) and Wall-E. Sounds awkward but it’s not.
I’m not a fan of the Brontes. Their work is too dark and moody and just depressingly tragic. But this book takes the better parts of Jane Eyre and repurposes them in space with Wall e elements that work in some weird way.
Earth has experienced another ice age so
Everyone lives on space ships. The wealthy, of course, are doing better than the poor and would prefer that the population be “diminished”. Many of the ships are on their last legs and cannot sustain the life aboard them.
A young orphan finds a job on a ship with a strange captain and his little sister. There is something sinister afoot in the ship but no one in talking. Bad things start to happen and then an entourage arrives from another ship with bratty girls and secrets of their own
I enjoyed the tweaks to the story and found this version of Jane eyre much more palatable than the original. Perhaps taking all the classics and sending them to space would help me enjoy them. (Gatsby in space?? I’d try it).